Moulton 3 – Start times and competitor information

The start times (v3 FINAL) and competitor information for this weekend’s Moulton 3 competition are now available.

Please note that the PTV rounds in the Open Intermediate and Intermediate have Brenda’s horses going ‘out of order’ – the times are marked in orange to make them stand out.

We will be parking behind the cattle building again, so follow the map at the end of the Comp Info. The cafe won’t be open but there will be a snack van (somewhere!) – no idea about whether they will take cash and/or cards so it might be worth bringing both.

Moulton 2 Start times and competitor information

Please click here for the Competitor Information for Sunday’s arena TREC.

Version 1 of the start times is available – please check back on Saturday to make sure that nothing has changed. If a round that you are expecting (for yourself or someone else) is not showing please email and we will look into it.

We will start building the courses at 9am, any help is very gratefully received! Similarly at the end of the day – all the kit needs to go back in the trailer and many hands make light work…

Moulton 2 – Schedule Now Available!

The schedule for our next Arena TREC competition is now available.

We’ve taken your feedback on board and included an open and open intermediate class, as well as the training. This is detailed on the calendar page (rather than in the schedule itself). We may need to amalgamate/cancel some classes or the training if there are not sufficient entries.

Katy Memorial Award 2024

CTG members will have received an email recently about the upcoming AGM, being held on Zoom this year on Wednesday 4th December, starting at 7pm.

As part of the AGM we usually present the trophies that the club awards each year, as well as the CTG Summer League prizes.

We would like to invite nominations for the 2024 Katy Memorial Award, which is presented to the horse or pony owned or ridden by a CTG member that club members feel most deserves recognition for its contribution to TREC.

Nominations may be submitted to by any CTG member for any horse/pony (or other equine) they deserves recognition – they don’t need to be the owner or rider of the horse concerned. Nominations need to be received by 8pm on Monday 2nd December 2024.

If you would like to dial in to the AGM but didn’t receive the Zoom details please email the above address. We hope that lots of members will join the meeting (items for Any Other Business and apologies for absence can be sent to the same email address).

PTV training and practice – Price reduced!

Come and try TREC with some training or practice the PTV obstacles that you find tricky. 45 minute sessions either with a trainer or practising on your own, both in groups of up to 4 riders.

Full details are available here.

Please contact Mary Weston (07712 557721) or Helen Martin (07979 5964665) with any enquiries. Sessions are available on both Saturday and Sunday, please indicate on the JotForm all the sessions that you are available and your level of experience so that we can group riders for the best groups. Times will be available here by Thursday 5th December.

Moulton 1 scores available

We were very lucky with the weather for most of the day today at Moulton College EC, but the afternoon classes did get rather damp – so much so that the Newcomer class didn’t run. Those who competed in the morning had a good time though, and the rosettes and prizes were hotly contested!

The results from the 4 classes that took place are now available on the Results page, and we look forward to seeing lots of people again after Christmas (16th February and 16th March 2025). Scoresheets from the afternoon classes will be distributed to riders where possible, and taken to Moulton 2 in February if no alternative can be found.

2024-25 Winter Season

The schedule and entry form for the first event in our 2024-25 winter season are now available on the Calendar page. Entries for Moulton 1 on 20th October are coming in fast, so get your entry in soon to come and join the fun!

We would also be very grateful if riders could come early enough and/or stay late enough to help build and take down the courses. Stables are available to rent (£30 for the day) if that is useful. If you would like to join with someone to have a stable for half a day each please email and we will do our best to match people up. Getting everything set up for a prompt start with only 3 or 4 people is very difficult, but many hands make light work!

Stonton competitors’ information

The competitors information for this weekend’s event at Stonton in Leicestershire (LE16 7UG) is now available. Final checks are being made on the start times and they will be uploaded tonight or tomorrow, but the overall plan for each day is as follows:

Saturday POR map room times – now full list

Level 4 starts at 0900, level 2A at 0940, then level 3 at 1025 and finally the level 2s from 1130.

The tack check will be 1 hour after each rider’s map room entry time and then POR start 10 minutes later.

Sunday MA and PTV times – now full list

Level 3 starts the day at 0900, then level 4 from 1030. The level 3 and 4 prizegiving will take place at 1130.

After lunch at 1200, the level 2s and 2As will do their MA and PTV from 1300-1600, with their prizegiving taking place at 1700.

Please stay for your prizegiving, we will not be able to post rosettes out.

WhatsApp links, in case the embedded links in the Comp Info don’t work:


Sat judges

Sun judges

Any queries or changes should be emailed to We hope that the weather will be kind to us this weekend and look forward to seeing you! Helen and Mary