Refunds for withdrawals from a particular event will be given at the organiser’s discretion, but will take account of Central TREC Group’s general policy, which is given below.
The important point to note when requesting a refund is the time scale of the event in question, specifically whether the withdrawal was made before or after the closing date for entries. This can be found on the schedule, but will generally be approximately 1 week before the event is due to run.
- A withdrawal acknowledged by phone or e-mail by the Entries Secretary before the closing date will usually be refunded in full.
- A withdrawal made between the closing date for entries and the date that start times are due to be published will be refunded, save for an administration fee of 10%.
- A withdrawal made after the start times have been published will not be refunded.
The exception to the latter two situations given above would be a withdrawal where a doctor’s or vet’s certificate is produced stating that the rider or horse was unable to compete, in which case the organiser may well choose to give a full refund.
Please note that, in general, entry fee cheques are not banked until after the event has occurred, so if a refund has been promised by e-mail then it is likely that the cheque would be torn up rather than a CTG cheque posted. The obvious exception to this would be where a 90% refund is being given, in which case the cheque sent would be cashed and a CTG payment sent out for the balance.
Any financial queries, whether related to refunds or other matters, should be addressed to:
Mrs Helen Martin, Treasurer
Post: Beech House, 10 Hardwick Drive, Shangton, Leicester, LE8 0PS
E-mail: or via
Phone: 07979 594665